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About The Peterborough and Area Master Gardeners

If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener, please contact us.

We are a group of dedicated gardeners who enjoy volunteering our time and knowledge by providing gardening advice to the public. We meet formally nine times a year on the second Wednesday of the month during which we try to either bring in speakers or go to horticultural establishments for more 'hands on' activities. We exchange ideas, plants and knowledge within the group and are always keen to keep up with the rapidly changing face of horticulture. We also visit gardens and interesting nurseries and occasionally organize horticultural bus trips. We all attend at least one Master Gardener technical update seminar a year

Volunteer activities include: 
Answering email queries
Writing media articles 
Master Gardener Advice Clinics 
Making horticulture presentations 
Organizing educational programs for adults and children 
Developing and staffing displays 

Together with the Peterborough Horticultural Society, we organize and run the extremely successful Peterborough Garden Show at the Evinrude Centre in Peterborough.

Our Beginnings

The Peterborough and Area Master Gardener group was formed in 1990 and the first Coordinator was Kathy Pimmett. By the spring of 2005, our membership grew to approximately 35 and the area encompassed Apsley, Norwood, Indian River, Lakefield, Young's Point, Omemee, Port Hope, Cobourg, Gore's Landing as well as Peterborough. In September 2005, with the support of the Peterborough group, about ten of our members from the Port Hope, Cobourg and Gore's Landing areas formed the nucleus of the Northumberland Master Gardeners.

How to Become a Master Gardener

Prospective Master Gardeners in Training (MGiT's) complete an application form and sit the eligibility test in May or June. If they score a minimum of 50% in the test, they then make a short presentation about themselves, their gardening experience and reasons for wanting to become a Master Gardener to the group prior to our September meeting. We are looking for people who can use their skills and knowledge to make a positive contribution to the group.

Volunteer Commitment

When accepted as a MGiT, you will begin your volunteer commitment and begin to record your volunteer hours. As a MGiT, you are required to give 20 advice hours and 10 administrative/education hours per year. All Master Gardeners are required to give a minimum of 20 advice hours and 10 administrative/education hours per year.

Education Component

To become a Master Gardener, you are required to pass a certification exam that will ensure that you have the horticultural knowledge required of a Master Gardener. You will be provided with an outline of the scope of knowledge, suggested reference materials and practice questions of the exam. You have two years to prepare for the exam, although it is possible to take it at any time. The group will assist by acting as mentors and offering and workshops. 


The Master Gardener programme began in Washington State in 1972 in response to the overwhelming number of requests for gardening information. Volunteers were trained in horticulture to provide gardening advice to the public. Master Gardener Programmes now operate in 45 states and 4 provinces in Canada.

Ontario Programme

In 1985, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs reviewed ways to provide horticultural information to the public. One of the ideas presented was the American Master Gardener Programme model. It was investigated, adapted to the Ontario situation and the first pilot sites began in 1985. The programme was directed by a provincial steering committee and sponsored by OMAFRA and the Ontario Horticultural Association. Experienced gardeners were recruited by local horticultural societies. The volunteers were introduced to the programme at an orientation session, wrote an eligibility test, received local training on soil management, communication skills, pest and disease diagnostics and control as well as enrolling in the Horticulture Independent Study Courses from the University of Guelph. Ontario's programme was unique because of the Horticultural Independent Study Courses which made it possible for the volunteers to learn at home and gain credits that eventually could count towards an Ontario Diploma in Horticulture.

Master Gardeners of Ontario Inc.

In May 1996, it was announced that OMAFRA would no longer fund the Master Gardener programme. In February 1998, the Master Gardeners of Ontario Inc. was formally incorporated as an independent not-for-profit charitable organization, Master Gardeners of Ontario Inc. (MGOI.) At the time of incorporation there were 36 Master Gardener groups with over 800 active volunteers who were contributing nearly 35,000 hours of volunteer time to the programme.


Master Gardeners of Ontario Incorporated develops the knowledge and the leadership skills to enable volunteers to provide balanced, scientific horticultural information to Ontario communities.

The Master Gardener organization in Ontario is committed to 
Excellence in its training and certification programme for volunteers 
Providing accurate and current information 
Meeting community needs 
Working in partnerships 
Developing and involving volunteers 
Conducting ongoing evaluation to determine future directions for the organization 

Benefits of being a Master Gardener 
Increase your horticultural knowledge 
Develop personal leadership skills 
Help your community 
Receive recognition as a Master Gardener 
Meet and work with new people