Back by Popular Demand - A Day for Gardeners - Saturday March 3, 2018- Please save the date


We can offer speakers to give gardening talks on various topics. Contact us if you are interested.

Dianne and Gary Westlake

Dianne and Gary have given talks all over Ontario on various topics. To find more information about them you can go to their website>

Their topics include:

  • Garden Art For Cheapskates - A lighter look at making your own objects for your garden.
  • Some Of Our Favourite Garden Mistakes - They share some of the mistakes they have made over the years as well as some they have seen.
  • Thinking Outside The Planter Box - A comprehensive guide to how to garden in containers.
  • Gardening While Old - Strategies for continuing to garden for the rest of your life.
  • What Are Lawns Good For - A plea for less lawn and more gardens.
  • What Not To Plant - On being very careful out there.

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